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Our Energy Story


Discover how the Singapore Energy Story sets the vision towards a net-zero energy future.

Energy Supply

Gain insights into the four switches that power Singapore’s economy and our daily lives.

Energy Demand

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Energy Grid

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Energy Market Landscape

Learn about the intricacies of Singapore’s energy market structure and operations.

Consumer Information


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Regulatory Publications

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EMA is committed to fostering a clean energy future for Singapore. Besides driving Singapore's energy transition through policies, innovation and partnerships, we recognise that our corporate sustainability practices also have a part to play in contributing to Singapore's net zero goal.

Corporate Environmental Sustainability Performance and Targets

EMA’s corporate environmental sustainability targets are aligned with the ambitious sustainability targets in carbon abatement and resource efficiency for public sector agencies under the GreenGov.SG initiative. This initiative supports our national sustainability agenda in the Singapore Green Plan 2030.

EMA tracks our consumption of electricity and water annually, using the average consumption for these from FY2018 to FY2020 as the baseline. EMA will include tracking of waste generation from 2024 onwards.

Photo of EMA employees discussing about sustainability efforts

In line with the GreenGov.SG targets for the public sector, we aim to peak carbon emissions by around 2025 and meet net zero emissions by 2045. To this end, we aim to reduce our energy and water usage by 10% respectively by 2030 from their respective baselines and aim to reduce our waste generation by 30% by 2030 from our 2024 waste generation baseline.

EMA's Performance

Mandatory Performance Indicators Average of FY2018 – FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
GHG emissions (kt CO2e) – Scope 1 (Direct Carbon Emission)
  • EMA-owned Vehicle
0.0017 0.0025 0.0021 0.0024
GHG emissions (kt CO2e) – Scope 2 (Indirect Carbon Emission)
  • Electricity Consumption by EMA Offices
0.374 0.317 0.338 0.342
Electricity consumption (kWh) 918,535 776,265 811,401 820,809
Energy Utilisation Index (EUI) 159 135 141 142
Water consumption (cu m 2,661.96 2,358.92 2,437,49 2,888.11
Water Efficiency Index (WEI) 7.19 6.38 6.41 7.44
Waste Generation (kg) N.A.* N.A.* N.A.* N.A.*
Waste Generation & Waste Disposal Index (WDI)* N.A.* N.A.* N.A.* N.A.*

*Annual waste generation data is not available specifically for EMA’s office premises, as EMA’s office premises are tenanted premises which are part of a larger estate comprising various other tenanted premises and waste removal for the entire estate is under the purview of the landlord for the estate. EMA will commence tracking waste generation and disposal data specifically for EMA’s office premises waste collection data from 2024 onwards and will include this in EMA’s annual sustainability report for FY2024 onwards.

Carbon Emissions

Although EMA’s Scope 1 carbon emissions increased in FY2023, EMA's overall Scope 1 emissions, from the operation of EMA’s corporate motor vehicle, are minimal. The rise in Scope 1 emissions is primarily attributed to an increase in usage post-Covid, from an average mileage of 5,738 kilometres (km) per year during the baseline to 8,854km in FY2023. In addition, the aging of EMA’s corporate motor vehicle resulted in a decline in fuel efficiency of the vehicle over time. EMA will explore the use of a cleaner energy vehicle when the current vehicle is due for replacement.

EMA’s Scope 2 carbon emissions have decreased by 8.6% in FY2023 with reference to the baseline. This reduction can primarily be attributed to EMA’s hybrid work arrangements and implementation of various energy-efficient practices aimed at optimising electricity usage.

Electricity Consumption

EMA’s electricity consumption in FY2023 is 10.6% lower with reference to the baseline, and meets the GreenGov.SG target.

However, we recognise that electricity consumption has increased year-on-year since FY2021. This can be attributed to increases in EMA’s staff size and more staff increasingly working from office, as compared to work-from-home arrangements being the default in FY2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic.

EMA has adopted various energy efficient practices to optimise electricity usage in our office premises. This includes setting all air-conditioning units at the optimal temperature of 25 degrees Celsius, and use of LED lighting, motion sensors, and timers installed at water boilers to minimise energy consumption in our premises. We have also installed in our meeting rooms bladeless ceiling fans designed to consume up to 50% less energy than standard ceiling fans while improving air circulation and cooling.

Water Consumption

Water usage and consumption in EMA’s offices increased by 8.5% in FY2023, attributable to EMA’s increased staff size and more staff working from office.

As part of our commitment to conserve water, EMA has replaced all water taps in our office, including restrooms and pantries, with 3-ticks water-saving taps. These new taps are designed to significantly reduce water consumption without compromising on functionality.

Waste Generation

Annual waste generation data is not available specifically for EMA’s office premises, as EMA’s office premises are tenanted premises which are part of a larger estate comprising various other tenanted premises and waste removal for the entire estate is under the purview of the landlord for the estate. EMA will commence tracking waste generation and disposal data specifically for EMA’s office premises and will include this in EMA’s annual sustainability report for FY2024 onwards.

Nonetheless, EMA has implemented various measures in our office premises to reduce waste generation and encourage greater efforts at recycling. For instance, we have replaced individual waste bins at staff workstations and rooms with centralised waste and recycling bins located at common areas and are putting in place arrangements to enable us to track waste generation and disposal specifically for EMA’s office premises.

EMA's Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

EMA is deeply committed to environmental sustainability. Beyond reducing electricity and water consumption and waste generation, our commitment to environmental sustainability extends to the implementation of green procurement and eco-friendly office and corporate policies and practices to reduce our environmental footprint.

Green Procurement

We have adopted green procurement practices by procuring printing paper accredited with the Enhanced Singapore Green Label by the Singapore Environment Council. All electrical appliances and lights in our office premises are rated ‘energy efficient’ under the National Environment Agency’s Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme.

Optimising Office Space Usage and Resources

To cater for EMA’s expanding staff size while optimising office space and resources, we made changes to the layout and configuration of EMA’s workstations. This included minor modifications to one-person workstations to now accommodate two persons. With these changes, we avoided the need for major and wholesale replacement of workstations and the accompanying disruption that would have resulted and major electrical re-cabling and rewiring works. This optimised the use of resources and supported EMA’s commitment towards environmental sustainability.