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Led by Mr Richard Lim Cherng Yih, Chairman of Synapxe Pte Ltd, the EMA Board comprises a total of 11 board members.

Mr Richard Lim Cherng Yih


Synapxe Pte Ltd

Professor Chua Kee Chaing


Singapore Institute of Technology

Mr Puah Kok Keong

Chief Executive

Energy Market Authority

Ms Lim Pek Suat

Group Chief Financial Officer

PSA International Pte Ltd

Ms Paula Conboy

Board Member

PJM Interconnection

Professor Dipti Srinivasan

Professor, Department of Electrical &

Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore

Adjunct Researcher, Solar Energy Research Institute Singapore


Mr Ngien Hoon Ping

Group CEO

SMRT Corporation Ltd

Mr Wong Hong Kuan

Deputy Secretary (Management)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr Tan Chuan Thye, Senior Counsel


Rajah and Tann Singapore LLP

Mr Abdul Wahab Bin Mohamed Yusoff

Founding Partner and Acting CEO
Rekanext Capital Partners Pte Ltd

Professor Julian Wright

Lim Chong Yah Professor,

Department of Economics

National University of Singapore